Welcome to the St Pius V Catholic Primary School Website.
St Pius V, Banyo, situated 14 kms north east of the CBD and 10mins drive from the airport, is a co-educational school established in the tradition of St Mary of the Cross Mackillop.
St Pius V School values meaningful relationships between staff, students and families. Our teachers focus on the individual needs of the children within their classes. We are a well-resourced school, both in the classroom and beyond.
All students and teachers have ready access to a range of technologies, with wireless computer networking being available throughout the school. Our facilities also include a pool, multi-purpose hall with netball and basketball courts and our oval. The school is set in spacious gardened surrounds.
We have strong beliefs about
learners and learning. We believe that all learners are capable and can succeed. These beliefs shape our teaching and learning practices. At St Pius V we believe that by having positive relationships, and by supporting our staff in their professional development, we best achieve our mission of quality inclusive Catholic education in a nurturing environment.
The warmth of our Catholic community ensures St Pius V is a school in which students, staff and parents feel welcomed and valued. It is a strong, caring, learning community in which we journey together as lifelong learners.
This website contains important information about St Pius V School. I encourage you to refer to it regularly. We intend to keep the site regularly updated however should you have something you would like to see added please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Gordon