Social Action & Justice

​​​Three major themes run through scripture and social teaching at St Pius School. A core theme is that each human person is made in the image and likeness of God and has an inalienable human dignity an​​d worth. Derived from this core theme are two further themes: the rights and duties that are proper to human persons, and the freedom and responsibility that underpin these rights and duties. At St Pius there is a growing awareness of the application of these three themes to both human persons and the whole of God’s creation.

Themes of Catholic​​ Social Teaching

Ten themes of Social Justice give expression to the human worth and dignity of everyone made in the i​​mage and likeness of God. These are:

  • Respect for the human person;
  • Preferential option for the poor;
  • Political and economic rights;
  • Promotion of the common good;
  • Subsidiarity;
  • Political participation;
  • Economic justice;
  • Stewardship;
  • Global solidarity;
  • Promotion of peace.

As a Catholic school, Pius has an understanding of justice as having emerged from the Biblical tradition and that this ri​​ch Biblical understanding portrays a just society as one marked by the fullness of love, compassion and peace.  At St Pius we continually search for solutions that promote, reconcile and rebuild right relationships with God and with one another.

Three e​lements of Social Action and Justice are

  • Justice in the Local Community
  • Action for Justice
  • Reflecting on Acting for Justice

Justice in the L​​​ocal Community

At St Pius ​​School justice in the local community are expressed in the following ways:

  • Integrate a justice focus into school liturgies and assemblies drawing on resources from Caritas, Catholic Mission, St Vincent de Paul, NAIDOC, World Environment Day and National Reconciliation Week
  • Audit policies and structures in the light of Catholic themes of social justice (Behaviour Matrix)
  • Develop and access school-wide programs that focus on maintaining and improving quality relationships (buddy Prep/Year 5 & 6 student program)

Action &​​ Justice

At St Pius School action and justice are expressed in the following ways:

  • D​raw on Catholic social teaching and scripture when developing a rationale and principles for social justice activities (fundraising policy with a focus on Catholic aide organisations St Vincent de Paul, Caritas and the Catholic Mission)
  • Implement practices within the school that nurture generosity (staff social club, random acts of kindness)
  • Foster environmental friendly practices (recycling paper, installing water tanks)
  • Design and create activities that promote better understanding between generational groups (Grandparent’s Day, Emmaus class visits)
  • Support and encourage student initiated justice projects (donations to St Vincent de Paul, Caritas, Catholic Mission; donated furniture to schools in Timor via Rotary)

Reflection on ac​tion for Justice

​At St Pius School action and justice are expressed in the following ways: 

  • Use school publications to challenge the school community to critically reflect on current social issues (newsletter)
  • Encourage peaceful and just relationships by providing opportunities for community members to regularly reflect on their attitudes and behaviours (journaling, class discussions and whole school assemblies)
  • Build a reflective component into the celebrations of significant events related to social issues and justice (Environment Day, National Reconciliation Week)
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Pius V Primary School Banyo (2023)